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                     II Chronicles 20:21

21 After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying:

“Give thanks to the Lord, or his love endures forever








  Praise and Worship

The purpose of this ministry is to use music and song to provide an atmosphere so that we may enter into God's divine presence through thanksgiving, praise and worship.


At The Ambassadors Church we are intentional in creating a wonderful worship experience. One that celebrates the truth that Jesus is alive. Because He is risen we believe our worship should reflect that. We worship with joy because our lives have been changed by a God who loves us, and we’re declaring together that He is worthy of praise. 


We expect to see people truly moved during our praise and worship with the Lord in an authentic way; responding to who He is and all that He is doing in our lives.






Our weekly worship gatherings require a number of people who use their gifts and talents to serve God and minister to the hearts of His people. 


We would love to have you get involved. 


If you play an instrument, sing, or dance, we invite you to consider joining our worship family. Our Tech Team is always looking for additional people to help behind the scenes, running sound, computer graphics, video projection and recording.


We would love to have you serve with us as we worship God through Worship, Arts, and Technology. If you are interested in being a part of our team, please contact us today!

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